My Love for My Motorcycle | My Perfect Travel Partner

This post is about “My Love for My Motorcycle” and it is my Perfect Travel Partner. Road Trips on My Motorcycle that I have made me an experienced traveler. There are 20 Quotes on Motorcycles that I have chosen as they resonate with my experiences. I have a Royal Enfield Classic 350 motorcycle and I love more than anything. Okay! Do not tell this to my wife.

If you love Royal Enfield Motorcycles, this post is for you. My bike is a timeless classic. I have a special bonding with my Motorcycle. This post is about the love with a machine.

Motorcycle rides are fun and give you a sense of freedom. Sleeping on the roadsides when you are tired and if you are not sleepy, ride at night. I have had no issues while riding at night. However, it is required that you take a good sleep before the ride.

Category: Traveling on Motorcycle

My Love for Royal Enfield

Since childhood, this brand had an impression on my heart. I saw many people riding and loved the thumping sound of this motorcycle. I liked this motorcycle because of its looks, its sound, and how it enhanced the personality of its riders. They looked impressive riding the motorcycle.

I had a dream to get this motorcycle and ride across India. Ultimately, I was able to buy one. This was a gift from my mother. My motorcycle was a dream; however, it is my true friend in fulfilling my other dream, which is Travelling across India.

I am fulfilling that dream now. I have traveled almost half of India on my Motorcycle. The longest ride that I made on my motorcycle was From Delhi to Bangalore. Yes! 9 days ride from Delhi to Bangalore.

My Motorcycle – My Perfect Travel Partner

I have made many rides on my Motorcycle. Most of the rides were long. When I take my Motorcycle out of its parking, people would know that I am going at least 300 Km.

I never used a loud noise silencer on my Motorcycle, and never used it to roam around my locality making disturbing noise. Like people with their Motorcycles. It is one special Motorcycle for me, and I need to treat it as special.

During my long rides, the only friend I can trust is my Motorcycle. So, my Motorcycle is my best friend.

Things To Know Before You Buy a Classic 350

People advised me this is a kind of Heavy Motorcycle. Due to its heaviness, it will be difficult to handle this. Trust me, I never felt that was a challenge. I am short in height and sometimes, my legs will not reach the ground, however, with time, I learned this. To the people, who still think that Royal Enfield’s heaviness makes it less controllable, I tell them that its heaviness makes it more stable.

Royal Enfield is not for speeding. This is a misconception that most people have that Royal Enfield is a speeding Motorcycle. The 350 CC bike goes to a top speed of around 120 Km/Hr. However, the reality is, that this Motorcycle is best at 80 Km/Hr. In my experience, if you want to enjoy the ride and travel places, ride it at 60 Km/Hr. On highways you can speed it up to 100 Km/Hr., but I will suggest keeping it to 80 Km/Hr. and your Motorcycle will love you.

Vibrations in Royal Enfield. Yes! people will tell you that, it vibrates a lot. I tell them, if you have weak legs, do not even try a Royal Enfield. This Motorcycle is not for weak hearts and weak legs. You might feel offended, however, keep away from this Motorcycle if you have a cat’s heart. It is owned by some lion hearts. Many more Motorcycles than Royal Enfield are not too heavy, less vibrating and meant for speeding. Go for that.

It needs heavy maintenance. Huh! that every bike would need. You are owning one of the best Indian brand Motorcycles and are scared of maintenance. You got this bike for a show-off; you do not love your Motorcycle. Be it any Motorcycle, if you complain of its maintenance, either you do not take good care of your bike, or you should not have bought it.

My Experience with Royal Enfield Motorcycle

I was determined to buy Royal Enfield Classic 350. Many times, I had enough money to buy any available Motorcycle ranging between 50K to 60K. However, I walked on foot because I wanted the beast. Being in a middle-class family, I could not go for any other Motorcycle that was priced higher. Royal Enfield India was something that I could have afforded. Somehow, I lost that saved money due to some personal reason and I was broke. I used to see Himalayan Odyssey videos on YouTube and tears would flow down my eyes. That was my love.

My mother gifted me my Motorcycle. My mother wanted me to fulfill my dreams and she gave me the money to buy the Motorcycle. A middle-class family would think that a Motorcycle worth 1 Lakh 60 thousand (When I bought it) is not better than a car, in which the whole family could travel. But none other than my mother knew what I needed.

I did not finance it or bought it on EMIs. Nope! I wanted to own my Motorcycle from the very first day. Buying it on EMIs would not have given me that. If I remember correctly, Royal Enfield India was not given the option to buy it on EMIs earlier. They started this facility recently to capture sales in the market.

So far, I am pleased with my Motorcycle, however, the service centers are no longer for a service. They are more into money making and less into providing a solution.

I met a fine engineer with old motorcycles, in Jharkhand. His name is Sultan Mistri and I believe that there is a magic in his hands. Where the service centers will tell you to get things replaced, he will provide best and alternative solutions.

Road Trips on My Motorcycle

I made many trips on My Motorcycle. Especially, when I lived in Delhi, I traveled to all the places that you can think of within a 600 Km radius.

I will come with the stories about each and every trip. However, while writing this post, I am mentioning a few.

  • Delhi to Mukteshwar
  • Delhi to Munsiyari
  • Delhi to Chandigarh
  • Delhi to Shimla
  • Delhi to Kufri
  • A ride to Chanshel Pass
  • A ride to Spiti Valley
  • 4 times, Delhi to Jharkhand (taking different routes)
  • A trip to Bihar and Jharkhand from Delhi
  • Delhi to Badrinath
  • Delhi to Tung Nath
  • Delhi to Mani Mahesh
  • The longest trip was: from Delhi to Bangalore, Riding through the Eastern Ghats.

Currently, I am living in South India. Bangalore is a place good by weather, but the roads and traffic is not that good. I went to places like, Hampi, Chitradurga, Chikmangalore.

A small ride to Adi-yogi in Chikballapur, Bhoganadishwara temple and many more nearby places.

Hampi and Chitradurga are good to visit. During all the rides, everything worked fine and without any issue.

Will come up with every ride story.

Conclusion – My Love for My Motorcycle

This is my own experience with a Royal Enfield Classic 350 Motorcycle “A Timeless Classic”. My love for Royal Enfield since childhood. What are myths and realities about a Royal Enfield? The story about how I bought one. The list of trips I made on my Motorcycle. If you have not gone through the post, go through it.

If you too own a Royal Enfield Motorcycle. Please comment. See you in Next Post. Till then keep riding and take good care of Motorcycle. No Patakhas with Royal Enfield. Love your Motorcycle.

20 Quotes on Motorcycles

The roar of the engine breaks the stillness as I mount my motorcycle, ready for the open road.

~A quote on Motorcycle

Gripping the handlebars, I feel the vibrations beneath my fingertips, a thrilling connection to the powerful machine.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The wind becomes my companion, rushing past as I accelerate, creating a symphony of freedom.

~A quote on Motorcycle

As I navigate the twists and turns, each curve is a dance, a seamless connection between rider and road.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The scenery blurs as I embrace the speed, a dynamic painting unfolding before my eyes.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The scent of asphalt mingles with the fresh air, invigorating my senses with every breath.

~A quote on Motorcycle

A sense of liberation envelops me, the motorcycle becoming an extension of my own spirit.

~A quote on Motorcycle

In the saddle, I find solace and escape, leaving behind the worries of the world with each passing mile.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The rhythmic hum of the engine is a heartbeat, echoing the pulse of the journey.

~A quote on Motorcycle

Arriving at my destination, I dismount with a mix of exhilaration and satisfaction, knowing that the ride is as much about the journey as the destination.

~A quote on Motorcycle

Arriving at my destination, I dismount with a mix of exhilaration and satisfaction, knowing that the ride is as much about the journey as the destination.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The leather jacket hugs me as I cut through the air, a second skin in this thrilling adventure.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The growl of my motorcycle announces my presence on the asphalt, a bold declaration of freedom.

~A quote on Motorcycle

In the rearview mirrors, I catch glimpses of the world I leave behind, a fleeting reminder of the transient nature of the ride.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows on the road, painting the landscape in hues of orange and pink.

~A quote on Motorcycle

Accelerating through an empty stretch of highway, I feel an adrenaline rush, an intimate connection with the pure power beneath me.

~A quote on Motorcycle

As night descends, the headlights pierce the darkness, illuminating the way forward like a guiding star.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The rhythmic purr of the engine is a constant companion, a loyal friend on this solitary journey.

~A quote on Motorcycle

Rolling through small towns, I exchange nods with fellow riders, acknowledging the unspoken camaraderie of the road.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The engine’s tempo matches my heartbeat, a synchronized rhythm that echoes the pulse of the asphalt beneath the tires.

~A quote on Motorcycle

The motorcycle ride is not just a means of transportation; it’s a visceral experience that etches memories into the pavement of the soul.

~A quote on Motorcycle

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